Friday, October 3, 2008

I can't login- my password is incorrect?

How could this be my "username or password is incorrect"?

Hold on to your business chair and get control of your breathing.

Did you slow your pulse down?

Let's get this solution to your finger tips.

1) You will need access to an administrator account that is on your computer box. If you don't have the password to that account find the perosn who does and ask them to help you by following instructions 2-5 (in red).

If you are the administator on your computer and you are not over a network (there is help you should seek from the IT head over your network, now!, however if not), then you can access the Administrator account that is accessible through safe mode, if it has been left untouched then it will called Administrator and have a blank password. You enter Safe mode by hitting the F8 key as your computer begins start up- before you reach the login screen. Select enter Safe mode with Command Prompt. The last set of instructions (in blue) here will probably be more useful for the command prompt.

2) Right click on Computer and from the drop down menu click manage.

3) You have inciated the MMC, now select on Users/Groups.

4) Two folders should appear, click on the Users folder.

5) A list of users should appear in the center pane of the window. Right click the user, of whom you want to reset the password (eg. Frank). Now click Reset Password from the drop down menu. Reset thier password and you are good to go.

Note: A nice feature of MMC is you can force this user to change thier password when they next login. You do this by Right clicking the user and then clicking on the Properties option. From here, there will be a window with 3 tabs, you want the first tab. Select the check box "user must change password upon next login".

1) Run Command Prompt as Administator

2) Type net user to see a list of users.

3) Select the user of whom you want to change the password by typing net user user1 *
where user1 is the name of the user you want to select (eg. net user Bob *)

4) Now type in the new passowrd, nothing will show as you type, press enter when your done

5) Confirm the passowrd and type it again, then press enter again.

The password has been reset

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