Friday, September 18, 2009

Setting-up Wireless on the Network Security Toolkit (NST)

This link will give you detailed steps on how to set-up your wireless on you Network Security Toolkit.
  1. Boot Live CD
  2. Run the command "setup_x". After configuring the display you'll be returned to the console prompt.
  3. Run the command "init 5"
  4. Right click the desktop. Select NST WUI, then Documentation and then NST WUI Start Page (w)
  5. Login using "root" for "User Name" and your original password for "password"
  6. Using the menu bar, select Networking, then Wireless, and then WPA-PSK Setup
  7. Select your wireless interface. Click AP Scan. Choose your SSID. Enter the PSK (key). Click Perform WPA-PSK Setup.
  8. Close the Firefox browser. From the terminal window, run the command: "init 3". From the console prompt run the command "init 5"
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