Friday, September 18, 2009

Learning about Snort

I found some very informative articles about Snort.

Figure 1: Snort Architecture by Nalneesh Gaur of Linux Journal

The Linux Journal will provide you with information about the architecture, Snort rules, the principles upon which Snort is based, some examples of what the back end or output will be, and also great diagrams like the one above to help grasp the concept.

From Snort's home site I found that 4 programs are required before installing Snort:
  • Libpcap
  • PCRE
  • Libnet
  • Barnyard
As well there were programs to help and assit Snort like Oinkmaster.

You can download you Snort Rules at as well.

For information on Snort, read Docs from Snort like Snort Manual.

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