Friday, October 3, 2008

Trouble Shooting: Cannot log in - password is incorrect


John Smith cannot login to his Account, he recieves the error message " The user name or password is incorrect"


Reset password running command prompt as Administrator.

Results of Hypothosis

retrieved information on the JSmith account by typing net user JSmith

Attempt 1: with results of failure caused from lack of knowledge on how to read scipt.

Atempt2: This is the correct form of 'how to reset the password, however here I come across another problem.

The Problem is that the Command Prompt will not allow me to imput any character, it will not respond, now that I have asked to reset the password.

Hypothosis on new problem

What what would happen if I pressed enter even though the command prompt wont respond to other inputs from the keybord?

Results of Hypothosis on new problem and Conclusion to original problem

The command prompt does not display any characters as you type the on new password prompt or on the confirm password promt.
If you ever type in characters and you forgot what they where you can press enter and it will take you the confirm passowrd prompt, press enter agian. It will then display the message "The passwords do not match." and it will skip a line and then begin the prompt again asking you to "type a new password for the user: ". Type the new password. Type it again for the confimation and if the passwords match for both inputs you will recieve the message "The command completed successfully".

As well you cannot save a file that is read-only you must right click the document and deselect the read-only check box.

I am sure who ever has just recently read this is laughing with great amusement at this fantastic learning process.

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